Saturday, September 22, 2018

sept 24_28 homecoming and EPSO poster

homecoming week & EPSO poster

No phones except for classwork.

No earbuds or headphones for music. Use for classwork only.

Do not listen to music in the classroom.

• Homecoming photo simulation

• Photo sign

• Friday Homecoming Help

5:00 - 7:00

Saskia Jean
Monica Nguyen
AJ Lanier
Jannah Awaad
Alex Vo
Zoe Kidder
Za'Kara Thomas

• Thursday September 27 (B day) help in auditorium with senior photos. Come if you can, all day long.

Homecoming coverage_specific assignments

Photos_What makes a good yearbook candid or action photo?

1. Move in as close as you can and still tell the story 

2. Faces usually tell the story
Homecoming Program? Adrian will do

Unicycle Poster is past due. Finish by Wednesday.
Analese comments?

EPSO poster

Superlatives (with Student Council for voting and counting)_Update

Determine Senior Superlative categories

September 28 help with Homecoming after school event. Arrive at 5:00


Check eDesign for your page assignments. Can you do this?

Sports photo updates?

Fall sport sign up?
    •Soccer_Erin. Team photo taken. Kinsey photos
    •Band_Adelaide, Joceline
    •Analese_Cheer (Squad photos on September 13)
    •Varsity Football_Alex, Zoe, Kinsey 
    •Cross Country_Diana
    •Volleyball (Team photos on September 13)
    •Freshman Football
    •Cross Country

Computer apps standards:

3) Correctly and safely execute basic file management operations on a typical personal computer and shared storage media, including the opening, creating, copying, moving, deleting, and renaming of files and folders, as well as searching for a specified file or folder on local or networked storage media.

7) While preparing materials and assignments in this course, use a browser to access and download Internet resources by uniform resource locator (URL), hyperlink, or favorite/bookmark.

11) Create, format, and edit documents suitable for print or electronic distribution, both four-color and two-color (black and white).

Journalism standards

Journalism Standards:
• Demonstrate appropriate language usage skills and research techniques.
• Demonstrate appropriate journalistic writing style for various media.• Demonstrate editing and revision techniques to produce work suitable for publication/production.

• Create visual effects by utilizing graphic designs, either technologically generated (if available) or original work.

• Demonstrate knowledge of layout and design procedures by incorporating consistency of style using a desktop publishing system (if available), traditional methods, or a combination of both techniques.

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