Tuesday, December 25, 2012

jan 7-11

jan 11

Time sheets today

Read off candids due today

Candid pages due Jan 17

I can stay after school next week except for Thursday

Who's Who talliers?

Sports team photos next week

What help do you need? Anton_volleyball photos


jan 9

Replace SD cards and Flash Drives

I have some new candid photos on my computer. Mostly 10th and 11th, some 12th.

Team Sports Photos?

Are all the candid pages assigned??????Juniors. p32????????

Who's Who in teacher boxes

Proof pages....no misspelled names

Office Workers_Jan 16, next Wed. 1st lunch. Auditorium lobby.

Candid pages due Jan 17. Get a camera, take photos and do your pages. 

LAW 3 is how to do a candid page:


Problems? Help?

Senior pages.
Who is in this group?
Who is supervising?
DVD images are on computer 20.
Several hard copies to scan and place. Contact these seniors so they can pick. 

Proof printed pages, especially names. 
Hard copies are in notebook. See Daiana.
Make changes on main computer at my desk, iMac 24.

Back up your work onto a flash drive and on to iMac 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Divider pages. Be sure  you are using copyright free clip art.

Psychology Club group photo is in folder p120. My computer. Type in names and get candids.

I may have done some candids and other pages assigned to you. Check the ladder diagram board.
Green "X"'s mean finished pages.

LAW 3 is due on Jan 22. Do not ask me to make LAW assignments up. Do them by the due date or they are a zero.

Turn in time sheets at the end of the week. You get three grades each week - individual, group, timesheet. If you want a grade higher than an 80, then do something for the yearbook. Make yourself useful. Ask how you can help.

Page assignments. If you don't know what to do, ask for help today.

Monday, December 24, 2012


Follow Precisely A Complex Multistep Procedure When Carrying Out Experiments, Taking Measurements, Or Performing Technical Tasks, Attending To Special Cases Or Exceptions Defined In The Text.

Due: Jan 22


Go to this link and follow the directions, with one exception. Use 001 when you name pages. 


If you have already completed a candid page, you may use that. Just rename everything. 

The correct InDesign template for this page is a blank InDesign template. 

To place the Photoshop jpeg in the InDesign document, have both documents open, then drag the jpeg into the InDesign picture box. 

You do not need to save into a folder, just show me the finished product. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

nov 26-30

Does anyone have a page and you do not know what to do?

Office workers photo?

Rick Smith.

Sports pages. Are team photos scheduled?

Candid pages now.

Candids to replace the ad pages. Assign them by Thursday.

Who is shooting photos for candids?

Underclass pages. If one is missing, still turn it in.

Turn in sheets when finished

Assign candids created from fewer underclass pages. Assign 2 photographers.

Ask about photos_Marijana.

Type senior names and accomplishments_everybody can do this.


Midterm. You can do your page now.

Monday, November 12, 2012

nov 13 and 15

nov 13 and 15

Underclass photos are in. We will work on them Thursday, wherever we are.

Pages due today. Show me your page folders.
Do the pages the way I told you to, please.

Type Senior Names & Accomplishments 

In Memoriam Photos and Layouts 

Marijana may have photos you can use


LAW 2. Due Thursday.

Friday, November 2, 2012

nov 7

nov 13 and 15

Pages 136, 138, 140, 142 are done

Pages due today

Pages due next week_Tuesday, not Thursday

Type Senior Names & Accomplishments 

In Memoriam Photos and Layouts

Marijana may have photos you can use

Only the jpeg's that are used in the layout. No more than that.
A Photoshop document that is saved as a jpeg is ONE photo. If 6 photos were used on a Photoshop page, and it is saved as a jpeg, that's all you need. Keep the original 6 photos in your folder if you need to.

Don't change typefaces

Timesheets will be turned in using Edmodo. They are always due by 2:00 pm on Friday. Simple and brief. For today, for example, "worked on layouts". If you miss this deadline, your grade will be 0 for timesheets and 70 for individual and group. That's 47 for the week. No makeups. If Edmodo does not work, give me the paper timesheet at the end of the last class of the week.

LAW 2. Due next Thursday.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

oct 29-nov 2

nov 7
Only the jpeg's that are used in the layout. No more than that.
A Photoshop document that is saved as a jpeg is ONE photo.

nov 2

Be sure computer numbers are on turn in sheet.

Backup onto 4 yearbook computers. On these, put what you  need backed up in the back up folder. 

Timesheets will be turned in using Edmodo. They are always due by 2:00 pm on Friday. Simple and brief. For today, for example, "worked on layouts". If you miss this deadline, your grade will be 0 for timesheets and 70 for individual and group. That's 47 for the week. No makeups. If Edmodo does not work, give me the paper timesheet at the end of the last class of the week.

earlier this week
Where are your folders? Get them and understand where to put them so I can always find them.


Edmodo turn ins...what were the problems?

Discuss page turn in sheets. Do them correctly. The date is the due date. 

Deadlines and your grade.

Pages due. What are the problems? Who needs help?
If you have candid pages, be sure you know what kind of candid.
Ask now. If you think you cannot meet a deadline, get help today. The page is your responsibility. 

Use the revised candid templates in Edmodo. Delete the others.  

If you need photos. I have lots of photos on my computer. Pages due in November have priority. Write what you need on your page turn in sheet and give it to me or the Photo Editor, who is Marijana.

If you have a page due in December and you can turn it in now, do that. 

You can work on pages after school.

When resizing photos, press the Shift key, hold and drag from a corner

LAW 2.

This should be already be done:
Make a page folder for every page you are assigned. 

Create the InDesign page from an InDesign  template and place it in the folder. If there is no template created for your page, let Daiana, Latazia, Chloe, Caroline or Marisa know. If you do not know which candid template to use, let them know. All pages wind up as InDesign pages.

Type the page numbers on each of the InDesign pages. Even page numbers on the left. Odd page numbers on the right. Delete the page number text boxes you do not use. 

If you have photos for these pages, put them in the folder. Only put in the photos that you are going to use for this page. A Photoshop layout, such as a candid page done in Photoshop, is actually the same thing as one photo. It is saved as a jpeg and placed in the InDesign template as if it were one large photo.

If you are working on 9-11 grade underclass individual photo pages:

a. Divide the pages however you want. Just be sure the person or people responsible for the page is written on the turn in sheet. 
b. Type names alphabetically using Text Edit. You should back this up on a flash drive and the 4 main computers.

Back up your pages and log out.

Friday, October 26, 2012



Determine A Central Idea Of A Text And Analyze Its Development Over The Course Of The Text, Including How It Emerges And Is Shaped And Refined By Specific Details; Provide An Objective Summary Of The Text.


1. Read part of the article at this link:


You can stop reading at the section beginning with "Leads"

2. What is the central idea of the text?

3. Summarize the text in one to three paragraphs.

4. Use two to three sentences (more if you need to) to describe how specific details support and clarify the central idea.

Friday, October 19, 2012

october 25

You can work on pages after school.

When resizing photos, press the Shift key, hold and drag from a corner




We did this Tuesday...........
Fill out page turn in sheets for each page you are assigned. Add the due date in the "date" line. 
You will keep these in your folder and turn one       in when your page is finished. 
Make notes on this paper if you need to. For example, if we have several candid templates, you can indicate which one you should use. 

How many pages do you have?

We'll go over this at the last 30 minutes of class. 

We will do this together.........
Go to your computers and make a page folder for every page you are assigned. 

Create the InDesign page from an InDesign  template and place it in the folder. If there is no template created for your page, let Daiana or Latazia know. 

Type the page numbers on each of the InDesign pages. Even page numbers on the left. Odd page numbers on the right. Delete the page number text boxes you do not use. 

If you have photos for these pages, put them in the folder. Only put in the photos that you are going to use for this page. 

If you are working on underclass individual photo pages (mugshots):
Type names alphabetically using Text Edit. You should back this up on a flash drive and the 4 main computers.

Timesheets will be turned in using Edmodo. They are always due by 2:00 pm on Friday. Simple and brief. For today, for example, "worked on layouts". If you miss this deadline, your grade will be 0 for timesheets and 70 for individual and group. That's 47 for the week. No makeups.

Chloe, Marisa and Caroline are going to be helping with creating page layouts, design and knowing which layout templates belong on which page. Check with them, Latazia and Daiana.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 15-19

Log out and back up.
Anna's story

Photos in folders. Why are you not doing this?
1. You should have a folder with your name on it on your computer.
2. When you take photos, load any that you might use into your folder.
3. If you had been assigned a page for any time this year, make a folder for this page and complete it as much as you can......this week. 
4. Back up onto one of the four "Yearbook" computers.

If you can finish a page that is due in November next week, do that.

Lots of photos on the Nikon SD cards. They will be gone soon.

I have some cross country candids.

I have Homecoming photos, including football action shots.

Be careful that we don't use the same photos on several pages.

Can you help with Makeup Photos on October 24? A "B" day.


1. Superlatives update for Latazia and Daiana

2. Get yearbook order forms to advisories on Wednesday. Take ten to your Topper Time on Wednesday. Who will be responsible for the other advisory teachers? Should we put them in their mailboxes on Tuesday, last block? Need several people for this.

3. 9, 10 and 11 grade groups. If you are not assigned to a group, and don't have anything to do right now, help out. 
a. Sort photos by grade level and advisory         teachers. We will distribute on October 24.
b. Begin to type names alphabetically, using Text Edit.
c. Backup and place your work on the main 4 yearbook computers.

4. Backup main 4 computers and my computer onto external hard drive. 

5. Several pages are due Friday. Do you need help? You fill out and turn in a hard copy when you are finished. I will give this form to you. 

6. Marijana. Names and times for senior makeup photos on October 24.

7. Senior Accomplishment forms and Senior Name forms to Senior Advisories. Forms will be due on October 26, so advisory this Wednesday or next.

This week:
1. Make a folder on your computer.
That becomes your computer.
Know the computer number.
2. Get your photos from camera SD cards or flash drives onto computers. 
3. Back up your work onto one of the four yearbook computers. Use one of our flash drives. 
Flash drives will be deleted regularly. Always use the same computer for backup. 
    Computer 1 keeps pages 1 - 44
    Computer 2 keeps pages 45 - 89
    Computer 3 keeps pages 90 - 134
    Computer 4 keeps pages 135 - 176
Do you know how to eject a flash drive on these Macs? It's different.
4. Place the page folders you are working on in the pages working folder on computers 1-4. Someone needs to make the pages working folder today.

If you have a deadline before the end of November, you should have already done most of this:

If you are working on pages, do the following. Always do first three steps exactly this way and in this sequence:
1. Make a new folder and name it ppage number. That translates into p32 if your page is page number 32.
2. Put only the photos you will use for this page in the page folder.
    If you are using a Photoshop template for your photos, copy that template into your folder also. Think of the Photoshop template as a photo.
3. Make an InDesign page and name it (using file>save as) the page number. That translates into 32.indd if your page is page number 32. Never change the .indd file extension.
4. Place your photos in the InDesign picture boxes on your layout.
5. Type your copy. That's journalism jargon for text, words, names, etc.

You need pictures and words on your pages. Ask yourself, do I have them? How can I get them before my deadline?

Missing a deadline:

10 point deduction from your 9 week grade.
5 points for each day after that. Maximum 30 points per 9 week.

I have photos............
I have candid photos from the Academy Photo shoot. Several freshmen photos. 

I have VIP photos, HCA photos, dance class photos, cheerleaders, library renovation, miscellaneous student photos, and Watkins (art class photos) on a DVD. I probably have some others, like culinary arts.

If you need photos that I might have, do this. 
Write your name and the computer you are using on a piece of paper. Tell me the photos you need and about how many you need. For example, if you are doing the SGA officers page or the other class officer pages, tell me that's what you need. I have those.

Sports pages. Team photos-use the team name sheet.

Latazia and Daiana

Saturday, September 22, 2012



Friday, September 21, 2012

October 1-4

Several pages are due Friday. Do you need help?

Fall break yearbook session?

Can you help with Makeup Photos on October 24? A "B" day.

Volleyball_Thursday after school. Set up with Coach Morrow.

This week:
1. Make a folder on your computer.
That becomes your computer.
Know the computer number.
2. Get your photos from camera SD cards or flash drives onto computers. 
3. Back up your work onto one of the four yearbook computers. Use one of our flash drives. 
Flash drives will be deleted regularly. Always use the same computer for backup. 
    Computer 1 keeps pages 1 - 44
    Computer 2 keeps pages 45 - 89
    Computer 3 keeps pages 90 - 134
    Computer 4 keeps pages 135 - 176
Do you know how to eject a flash drive on these Macs? It's different.
4. Place the page folders you are working on in the pages working folder on computers 1-4. Someone needs to make the pages working folder today.

If you have a deadline before the end of November, you should have already done most of this:

If you are working on pages, do the following. Always do first three steps exactly this way and in this sequence:
1. Make a new folder and name it ppage number. That translates into p32 if your page is page number 32.
2. Put only the photos you will use for this page in the page folder.
    If you are using a Photoshop template for your photos, copy that template into your folder also. Think of the Photoshop template as a photo.
3. Make an InDesign page and name it (using file>save as) the page number. That translates into 32.indd if your page is page number 32. Never change the .indd file extension.
4. Place your photos in the InDesign picture boxes on your layout.
5. Type your copy. That's journalism jargon for text, words, names, etc.

You need pictures and words on your pages. Ask yourself, do I have them? How can I get them before my deadline?

Missing a deadline:

10 point deduction from your 9 week grade.
5 points for each day after that. Maximum 30 points per 9 week.

I have photos............
I have candid photos from the Academy Photo shoot. Several freshmen photos. 

I have VIP photos, HCA photos, dance class photos, cheerleaders, library renovation, miscellaneous student photos, and Watkins (art class photos) on a DVD. I probably have some others, like culinary arts.

If you need photos that I might have, do this. 
Write your name and the computer you are using on a piece of paper. Tell me the photos you need and about how many you need. For example, if you are doing the SGA officers page or the other class officer pages, tell me that's what you need. I have those.

Sports pages. Team photos-use the team name sheet.

LOG OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Selling yearbooks? Order forms through advisories....when? How many per advisory?
I'm thinking 10. After fall break? Who will work on this, as in getting them to advisory teachers on the Wednesday we return? Each of you has an advisory teacher, so you should be responsible for yours. 

Latazia and Daiana

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sept 17-21_2012

Thanks for all your help. You were maaaaahhhhhhhhhhhvelous!

Fill out timesheets for last week...Sept. 11 and 13.

Put your folders in front of the green folder.

Get your photos from camera SD cards onto computers. Back up.

Are you doing what you need to be doing for your pages? No excuses. 

Sports pages. Team photos.

I have VIP photos, HCA photos, dance photos, cheerleaders, library renovation, miscellaneous student photos, and Watkins (art class photos) on a DVD.

Designate the 4 yearbook computers.

NHS photos. Touch base with Ms. Bebee for time. 

LOG OUT!!!!!!!!!!


Check your grades


1. Today, load your photos onto your computer.

Important: How to eject on these Macs.

2. Introduction to InDesign 

3. LAW 8 assessment Wednesday


Also with timesheets......if you  have a specific, ongoing job, such as backing up computers, write that down on a separate piece of paper. 

You should note that on your timesheets each week as well.

Latazia and Daiana

Selling yearbooks? Order forms through advisories....when? How many per advisory?
I'm thinking 10.

Ongoing jobs:

Cameras_distribute, collect and charge
Notes from meetings
Keeping everyone on task
Marketing yearbooks

Class sizes:

Seniors 250-300



Reading Standards for Informational Text 


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

LAW Standards

1. Cite Specific Textual Evidence To Support Analysis Of Science And Technical Texts, While Attending To The Precise Details Of Explanations Or Descriptions.

2. Determine The Central Ideas Or Conclusions Of A Text; Trace The Text’s Explanation Or Depiction Of A Complex Process, Phenomenon, Or Concept; Provide An Accurate Summary Of The Text.

3. Follow Precisely A Complex Multistep Procedure When Carrying Out Experiments, Taking Measurements, Or Performing Technical Tasks, Attending To Special Cases Or Exceptions Defined In The Text.

4. Determine The Meaning Of Symbols, Key Terms, And Other Domain-Specific Words And Phrases As They Are Used In A Specific Scientific Or Technical Context Relevant To Grades 9-10 Texts And Topics.

5. Analyze The Structure Of The Relationships Among Concepts In A Text, Including Relationships Among Key Terms (E.G., Force, Friction, Reaction Force, Energy).

6. Analyze The Author’s Purpose In Providing An Explanation, Describing A Procedure, Or Discussing An Experiment In A Text, Defining The Questions The Author Seeks To Address.

7. Translate Quantitative Or Technical Information Expressed In Words In A Text Into Visual Form (E.G., A Table Or Chart) And Translate Information Expressed Visually Or Mathematically (E.G., In An Equation) Into Words.

8. Assess The Extent To Which The Reasoning And Evidence In A Text Support The Author’s Claim Or A Recommendation For Solving A Scientific Or Technical Problem.

9. Compare And Contrast Findings Presented In A Text To Those From Other Sources (Including Their Own Experiments), Noting When The Findings Support Or Contradict Previous Explanations Or Accounts.

10. By The End Of Grade 10, Read And Comprehend Science/Technical Texts In The Grades 9-10 Complexity Band Proficiently.

Monday, August 13, 2012

jobs, teams, groups

teams by classes




cameras_carena & ashlie

girls soccer_andrew & kenan

 cross country_Husmir

freshman football_ashlie


freshmen cheerleaders_carena




wrestling_ Yurika, Lucy

varsity girls basketball_Casey

varsity boys basketball_Casey

freshman girls basketball_

freshman boys basketball_ Kinnedy


tennis ? _Lucy


Rock Band_Rachel, Caitlyn


Chamber Choir_Kendell

Marching Band_ Jesse, Carly, James

Competitive Marching Band_ Jesse, Carly, James

Yearbook_Ayashe, Madison

Academy Ambassadors_Cole

The Knitting Club_Cole

Psychology Club_

Anime Club_ashlie


Debate & Forensics_


National Honor Society_anna

Peer Tutor_Robert



flash drives and card readers_

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

your grade

Literacy 10%
Standards Mastery 60%
Pages and Completion (Individual production, Group production, Timesheet) 30%

Missing a deadline: 10 point deduction from your 9 week grade.
5 points for each day after that. Maximum 30 points.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

feb 13-17

Your zero grade:
Tell me in Edmodo a reason why I should give you partial credit for your failure to turn in a timesheet grade. 80% is the maximum I will give you. Tell me what you are going to to do to make up the grade. Your reason and what you are going to do is due today. Have that done by February 24.

Volunteer to count green in academy photos. Latazia, Anton, ????

Work on ACT words. Remember, these need to be written in the journalistic style – who, what, when, where, why and how. Due Feb 24.

Work on your essay in Edmodo. Your grade is based on the rubric in the post following this one. Due Feb 24.

Don't forget to submit your timesheet through Edmodo.

expository writing rubric

Monday, January 30, 2012

feb 1

Your deadline for submitting your Jan 23-27 timesheet through Edmodo was January 29. January 29 was actually an extension of the deadline. If you did not meet the deadline, you received three zeros, as I said you would in the earlier posts. This was discussed in class on several occasions. For now, you have three zeros. We may discuss changing this grade, individually, later.

Your timesheet submission for this week is due February 3. Be sure you submit this according to directions.

You will have the assignment for 9 ACT words due on February 24. You can submit these through Edmodo or as hard copies. The Edmodo assignment is not yet posted.

Help fold Prom Fashion Show programs

Finish pages

Proof underclass pages and type in corrcetions on Imac 2

Senior pages are not correct. Proof and correct.

Photos in Culinary Arts.