Sunday, February 28, 2016

feb 29-mar 4

Finish your pages:
All due by Thursday March 3

If you are assigned a sports page or a club/organization page, be sure at least a roster, in alphabetical order, is on this page. Deadline Thursday.

I can print out photos for identifying people.

Wrestling_Christian_Did photo get made?
Basketball_Felicianna & Allison
Roster for JV football is incomplete
Baseball_Asha, Chandler, Brianna
Softball_Asha, Chandler, Brianna
Chamber choir_Christina_is this title correct?
Band photos_James    

The photos:
Several not turned in.

When you go out together and use the same card, you are often duplicating photos.

Don't go to the same classrooms.

Use flash. 

Should have been 10 different photos, not 2 photos taken 5 times.

Do not upload and use any February photos without talking to me.

Correctly formatted index cards.

To do:
Type Senior Accomplishments & quotes. Type as word doc and email as attachment, or just type in the body of the email. 
Email to:


Madison & Veronica. 
   Dedication. Do it.
   Move and change pages 82-87. 
   Headline consistency. All uppercase?

Christina. Huy Nguyen???? We will probably have a page. Let's talk.

Senior Superlative voting. Start counting. 
Bailey? If you have time.

Bailey_Rock band photos. Find out when the classes are_ B6, B7, B8 ?????_and photograph them. 

127_Senior Best Friends? I don't think so. Not enough time. Best friends (if we get them) combined with student life candids.

Turn in your pages report. Send on Fridays. If I do not get them, this grade is 50. Late does not count.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

feb 22_26

Finish your pages:
All due by March 3
That's 3 B-days, including today
You can do pages from home

Some of you did not meet the deadline.

The photos:
I am pleasantly surprised with many of them. 

Photos turned in should have been taken in February, not August or October.

Use flash. Fuzzy photos do not work.

Move in closer, but not just a face.

Should have been 10 different photos, not 2 photos taken 5 times.

10 more photos by Friday by 1:45.
Start today. Do not wait until Friday.
Different people. Need Health Science.
Correctly formatted index cards.

Some pages and photos show me you don't care or you don't know how.  We can fix the "don't know how". You have to fix "care".

Photos fit in the layout picture boxes. Still a problem. Why?

To do:
Madison & Veronica. 
   Dedication. Do it.
   Check my pages, title page, especially academies, for type, design, etc.
   Move ads and accomplishments. Accomp-
   lishments last. 
   Double-proof the senior names. I found a typo.  

Need photo of Jon Z. Have him contact me.

Jar_FCA names.........
..........and, anyone with organization page, 
names on organization pages. 
Due Friday.This is a deadline. Explain to me if there is a problem with this.

Jar_sports candid pages?

Christina. Be sure to have Huy Nguyen 
and photos on "talented" page.

Nia. Redo page 115. I will help you. Do you know how to get the photos again?

Bailey. Soccer team on Friday at 2:30? Basketball today?

A few more accomplishments sheets need to be typed. You can raise a grade. Feliciana.

Senior Superlative voting. Start counting. 
Thank you Jar, Rebaz, Caitlin, Syless.!

127_Senior Best Friends? This week? How are we doing this? I did not talk to anyone on Monday or Wednesday.

Sports_schedule team photos
    Get rosters and type names on pages,
    due by Friday_this is a deadline.
    Some sports page numbers may change.
            Soccer photo is on the page. Need names.

Yearbook group_date for photo? Today.

Turn in your pages report. Send on Thursday or Fridays. If I do not get them, this grade is 50. Late does not count.

Monday, February 15, 2016

feb 16-19

February lesson plan

Madison & Veronica
Proof and edit senior names. Use accomplishment sheets they turned in for names. 

Timera talk to me about page 34. Hold up.

I have worked on some of your pages. Let me know if you are unhappy.

I've uploaded photos. Do not take them from the main Library folder, but go to folders like Student Life or Student Candids.

Finish your pages
All due by March 3
That's 5 B-days
You can do pages from home

Deadline for everyone
Photo assignment_10 excellent student/life candid photos. Bailey, more than 10. Different people
Need Health Science!!!!!!!!
Turn in SD cards and the numbers of your photos.

I will give you baggies & index cards. One index card per person. Due Friday, February 19. That's tomorrow for a possible grade of 100 max. 75 max if I get them Monday. Next year?
Charge batteries and take your cameras with you during the day. Leave camera baggies here.

No more yearbook staff on pages.

Do not change layouts! Some of you don't fully understand how to put photos on a page.

Help_Who's Who ballots in mailboxes today?
Thank you Jar, Wil, Allison and Bailey.

Senior Topper Time help_10 senior ad forms
per teacher. Who will do this?

If you have played or are playing a sport, or if you did or are doing a sports page, go to the coach and get the names of players who have received special recognitions. For example, a full ride scholarship, high school All-American, etc.
Send the name and recognition to me by Thursday. Chris, Aaron, Jamal, Terron, for example.

Chris  & Jar 2016_Tomorrow?

Senior Accomplishments. Ends today. James, send yours to me.

Madison & Veronica_1
   rotate photos

Timera_34_Today??_try to find seniors who did not 
    get formal photo made
    who can help Timera?

Bennett _70, 71_Photos in your folder. Due Thursday.

Sports_schedule team photos
   get rosters and type names on pages,
   due by next Friday_this is a deadline.
   Coaches have deadline of Feb 26.
   Girls' Basketball done.
   Girls' Track today. Please confirm.
   Soccer_next Friday. Remind me Rebaz.

Sports candids_Jar and Asha_we have wrestling 
    action and some good basketball action from 
    Coming Home night. See me for upload. Due???????
    When can we get soccer, softball, etc?

Yearbook group_date for photo?


127_Senior Best Friends?

128 & 129 _Student Life_Madison & Veronica please check

Who's Who_Steve

Superlatives_still working on it. Approved, need to distribute. I'm shooting for next Wednesday.

Do not go anywhere on yearbook business without your Yearbook Pass.

Deadlines and assignments:

Check your assignments. You have assignments and due dates.

You can ask for help during our meetings. Be specific.

If you have sports pages or student candid pages, get photos now or get team photos set with coaches.

If you don't know what to do, ask. Do not wait until the last minute. 

1. Look at your pages that are due.
2. Ask yourself, "What do I need for this page?" You will need photos and sometimes words.
 3. Do it. Take photos. Keep a camera with you if you need to. Get words.
4. Upload the photos you will use on your page. Upload and tag them into the correct eDesign folder, which is probably yours. Do not tag photos in Portraits. 
5. Keep up with your SD card. Keep your SD cards in an envelope, in your file folder, in the file cabinet.

If I can't depend on you, I'm not going to assign pages to you.
Your grade will be 100 for meetings, 50 for individual work, 50 for group work. That averages to 67 each week. You will write to make a 70 or more.

 Do not change layouts. See Madison or Veronica if you must.

Email me at the end of each week unless I tell  
you otherwise. If you have no pages, write no pages assigned.

Send this:

1. The page numbers you are assigned and their due dates.
         page 123 due December 11
        page 136 due November 20
2. What you have done on those pages each week.
       page 136 took photos and put photos on page. Finished.
      page 123 contacted coach Dodd to set team photo date and get roster of players

This is part of your individual grade. You cannot send it in late for full credit. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

feb lesson plan

Layout and photography


• Understand and utilize standard principles of related areas to enhance visual appeal. 
• Demonstrate knowledge of layout and design procedures by incorporating consistency of style using a desktop publishing system (if available), traditional methods, or a combination of both techniques. 
• Exhibit a working knowledge for roles and procedures of management and production of various media. 

What I want you to know or do:
1. Take excellent photos for assigned pages (What makes a photo “excellent”?)
2. Place them correctly on page layouts assigned to you
3. Collect any information or images needed for your final deadline
4. Meet your final deadline

pages report