Tuesday, February 26, 2013

timesheet entries

Week of Jan 7




Week of Feb 4




Week of Mar 4


Saturday, February 23, 2013


This assignment is due on March 12. It will count as a LAW assignment, as well as an individual and group assignment.


Cite Strong And Thorough Textual Evidence To Support Analysis Of What The Text Says Explicitly As Well As Inferences Drawn From The Text.

Assignment and assessment:

Read about the 5 W's and H from this link:

You can stop reading at Observation

Write down and define (in your own words) each of the 5W's and H used in journalistic writing.

Find an online, magazine, or newspaper article for the following.
Turn in your source with your work.

Respond to the following from this article:

1. A who in this article is_________________________________. (10 points)

2. A what in this article is_________________________________. (10 points)

3. A when in this article  is________________________________.  (10 points)

4. A where in this article is________________________________. (10 points)

5. A why in this article is _________________________________. (10 points)

6. A how in this article is________________________________. (10 points)

Read about inference at this link:

7. Create one inferential question from this article. (40 points)

Friday, February 22, 2013

yearbook assignment_feb 19-28

Based on the information you collected during LAW 7, write a magazine, newspaper or online article about the person you covered.

Your grade will be based on use of the 5W's and H, plus the TCAP writing rubric.

The 5W's and H are explained on the blog. You can find the TCAP writing rubric on line.

This is an individual assignment.

Sample interview


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

feb 11-15


Daiana & Latazia_check DVD

Written journalism assignments

Layout & Design

Play program for "Harvey"
Prom Fashion Show

Graduation program

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Common Core 7

Analyze Various Accounts Of A Subject Told In Different Mediums (E.G., A Person’s Life Story In Both Print And Multimedia), Determining Which Details Are Emphasized In Each Account.


1. Come up with a person whose life is available in different media, such as a movie, book, magazine article, etc. Watch the movie, multimedia, clip, etc. to gather background information about the person.

2. From this, write down 5 questions you would ask this person if you were going to do an interview for a magazine article or on-line article. Due Feb 15.

3. Imagine you are the person and answer the questions.  Due Feb 20.

You can do this with a partner.