Saturday, January 19, 2013

jan 22-25

Proof underclass pages!
Cole, Ayahse, Kevin, Andrew, ??????
See Daiana for folder with names and Chancery names

Take Woolridge off Office Workers page.

Candid pages 

Class of 2013_I need photos

Assign Coming Home photos?

Sports team photos 

Wrestling today. Latazia

What help do you need? 

LAW 3_tell me if you did not do it.

LAW 5 is on the jellybeans page

Senior pages???????

Monday, January 14, 2013

jan 14-18

Proof underclass pages!

Candid pages due Jan 17, or Friday

Office worker photos_done

Time sheets

James Smith?????

Sports team photos this Friday?

Wrestling on Jan 22. Who can take it?

What help do you need? 


Senior pages.
Save space for Lisa Nguyen