Please take care of the white Nikons. See below.
Photograph "activity" in gym on Thursday, 4A. Double page spread? Who will do it?
Photograph Rock Band tomorrow
Correct photos, especially too dark.
Turn in a page completion sheet on deadline days, whether you are finished or not. One for each page. When I give it back to you, keep it in your folder. If it is late or you need to make corrections, give it to me when you are finished.
Your grade.......
Based on standards.
Be sure you know pages assigned to you, what they are about, and when they are due.
Photos on my SD cards. Procedure.
Fill out timesheet for this week.
White Nikons
- Check out with Carena or Ashley
- Write your name and date on an index card
- Check in with Carena or Ashley
- Return the Nikon to the correct zip lock bag
Be back here by 1:50 pm every class
eDesign not change size and position of picture boxes.
- Do not upload out of focus photos
- Do not upload "bad" photos, unless they can be cropped
- Photos too dark or light can be corrected, but before upload
- Claiming your photos, before upload
Page layout grade
Sports pages
Practice Spread
Uploading Images
Tagging Images
Placing and Resizing Images
Placing and Cropping Images