Emma, Brittney, Track.......maybe some others, we'll see where we are on Monday.
Your photos:
If they are too dark, open them in Photoshop.
Go to Image>Adjustments>Levels.
Make adjustments using slider bars.
Save as Format>JPEG
Type names under photos. Type descriptions beside organizations, clubs, etc.
Taylar_Girls Basketball
Finish all pages (except superlatives) by March 9. That's today.
Superlatives. I am very skeptical about getting these in the yearbook. Pages must be finished before or during spring break. Seniors, does it matter to you?
Incomplete pages, such as no names on sports pages, will receive a 70 deadline grade.
If you are assigned a page, you are responsible
for "getting" the photos and placing them on the page.
Still need club/organization photos from:
Teacher pages_Jonah and Emma_due Wednesday, March 1
Emily and Bailey_20 new candids_due March 9
Sports pages due March 9. Photo and names under photo. I can print a hard copy of the photo for you.
Soccer (photo on Wednesday, March 1 at 2:40_Joseph)
Track (Photo set for March 9 at 2:30 on track. I have a meeting and can't do the photo. Who can? Joseph, I'll take March 1 if you can do this one)
Baseball_photo done
Academy photos_5 each
•Freshman_Destiny, Alexandra_in Freshmen folder
•ADC_Joseph, Andrew, Jaya_in Academies folder
•Health Science_Chandler, Dakota W_in Academies folder
•Business & Hospitality_Hannah, Ciara_in Academies folder
Alex and Felicianna_proof each page.
Finish your pages.
Check your assignments and due dates