Monday, December 10, 2018

mid term exam

mid term exam
Yearbook midterm exam_December 2018

Journalism is the discipline of gathering, writing and reporting news, and broadly it includes the process of editing and presenting the news articles. Journalism applies to various media such as magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and websites. 
In journalism, the Five W’s (also known as the Five W’s (and one H) or simply the Six W’s) is a concept in news style, research, and in police investigations that are regarded as basics in information-gathering. It is a formula for getting the “full” story on something. The maxim of the Five W’s (and one H) is that in order for a report to be considered complete it must answer a checklist of six questions, each of which comprises an interrogative word.
The Five W’s + H are who, what, when, where, why and how. A good piece of journalism should contain all of this information. 
A yearbook should tell the story of the school year. With all of the above in mind, select a yearbook page from a previous yearbook. Select a page that has some written content in addition to photos. 
Write an essay stating whether or not this page represents good journalism. Your essay should be similar to the essays you write in English class. Part of your grade will be determined using the rubric below. Part of your grade will be based on how well you completely discuss the 5 W’s + H as it pertains to the page you have selected. Be sure you mention the date of the yearbook and the specific page you are discussing. 

Email your essay to the assigned address when finished.

Scoring for Essay
Part 1_Discussion of Journalism
Discusses and explains 5W’s + H in essay  (60 points possible. Score based on rubric below)
5W’s + H

____Who is mentioned and discussed thoroughly (10 points possible)

____What is mentioned and discussed thoroughly (10 points possible)

____When is mentioned and discussed thoroughly (10 points possible)

____Where is mentioned and discussed thoroughly (10 points possible)

____Why is mentioned and discussed thoroughly (10 points possible)

____How is mentioned and discussed thoroughly (10 points possible)

____5W's+H points

Part 2_Persuasive and writing quality (score based on rubric below) (40 points possible)
You can score a maximum of 4 points for each category. Points are multiplied by 2.
Maximum score possible is 40 points.

Position Statement
_____4_Provides a clear strong statement of the writer’s position
_____3_Provides a clear statement of the writer’s position
_____2_Statement is present but does not make the writer’s position clear
_____1_There is no position statement

Support for Position
_____4_Provides 3 or more pieces of evidence that support the position statement.
_____3_Provides 2 pieces of evidence that support the position statement.
_____2_Provides 1 piece of evidence that supports the position statement.
_____1_Provides no evidence that supports the position statement.

Evidence & examples
_____4_All evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the position
_____3_Most of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the position
_____2_At least one of the pieces of evidence and is relevant and shows that evidence supports the position
_____1_Evidence and examples are not relevant and/or are not explained

_____4_All supportive facts are reported accurately
_____3_Almost all supportive facts are reported accurately
_____2_Most supportive facts are reported accurately
_____1_No supportive facts are reported accurately

Grammar and spelling
_____4_Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader
_____3_Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader
_____2_Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader
_____1_Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader

_____Score multiplied by 2
____persuasive essay writing points

____Total Exam Points

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